Benefits of changes to your website:

  • Improving your load time by 0.1 sec can increase conversion rates by an average of 8%.
  • 77% of mobile users prefer to visit websites that respond quickly to them. When they encounter slower websites, they immediately leave the site.
  • When the loading time of the websites selling products (e-commerce sites) decreased by one tenth of a second, an increase of 9.2% was seen in the average order value.

Put your website in expert hands

We use the latest technology to speed up your website and complete all the processes with our expert team.

  • Optimization of your JS and CSS files,
  • Optimization of your image and video files,
  • Detecting and optimizing other elements that cause slow loading,
  • Reliable speed tests with PageSpeed, GTMetrix etc.
  • Identifying only the resources you need and presenting the resources on demand from the pages
  • Additional techniques and many more optimization operations.

What are the effects?

A faster web page on all devices gives you more turns and a better experience.

Website speed and page speed are separate things, the operations we do are optimizations made for the whole site based on individual pages. Because when visitors visit a page that they found from the search results, they generally witness the speed of that page, not the site. For this reason, even a single page of your site being slow can create negative results for user experience and conversion.

Google made a similar statement, stating that site speed (and consequently page speed) is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages. Research has shown that Google measures the time to first byte as-is, especially when considering page speed. However, a slow-loading page will be crawled more slowly by search engines and will negatively affect your site's indexing.

Let's Analyze

Let us test the compatibility of your website to make it more successful in Search Engines (Google, Yandex, etc.), Digital Advertising Media and Social Media Platforms.

Request Analysis